magiciennemagicienne     ZODIAQUE 


Signs of the Zodiac BETWEEN  



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                                                              Aries and other signs
                           ARIES SAGITTARIUS with positive. BELIER with LION positive.
                        VIRGIN BELIER with Negative. ARIES with GEMEAUX positive.
        AQUARIUS ARIES with positive. ARIES with SCORPION: only physical attractiveness.
     ARIES with BALANCE: Understanding exclusively physical. ARIES CANCER with union     unsustainable.
    ARIES CAPRICORN with union unsustainable. ARIES TAURUS with: understanding, but sentimental.
    BELIER with FISH: good agreement but with some points of disagreement.
   With ARIES ARIES: execellent agreement, but the danger of monotony that could shake. 
                                                                  THE NUMBERS.
                                    The most favorable for the Ram is 17. Good 7 and 21.
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TAURUS with Aries: positive agreement exclusively sentimental.

TAURUS GEMEAUX with positive but not with durable.TAUREAU CANCER: very positive.

TAURUS with LION: negative. VIRGIN BULL with very positive.

TAURUS with BALANCE: positive. SCORPIO TAURUS with positive sexually.

TAURUS SAGITTARIUS with positive. TAURUS CAPRICORN with very positive.

TAURUS AQUARIUS with Negative. TAURUS with FISH positive.

BULL BULL with positive.

The most favorable for the bulls is 4, 6, conducive to innovations of all kinds, travel, travel and is valid against the evil spells.


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GEMEAUX with Aries: positive. TAURUS GEMEAUX with positive, but not sustainable.

GEMEAUX with CANCER: not very positive. GEMEAUX with LION positive for the work.

GEMEAUX with VIRGIN positive. CANCER BALANCE with very negative. 

GEMEAUX with VIRGIN: negative. BALANCE GEMEAUX with very positive.

SCORPION GEMEAUX with positive, but not sustainable. SAGITTARIUS GEMEAUX with positive, but only for work.

GEMEAUX with CAPRICORN: negative. AQUARIUS GEMEAUX with very positive.

GEMEAUX with FISH: negative. GEMEAUX with GEMEAUX Negative.

The number is 13, magic number, is the lucky charm of Gemini.

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    CANCER with TAURUS: very positive. CANCER with Aries: negative (union unsustainable).
CANCER GEMEAUX with: few positive. CANCER with LION positive.
CANCER with VIRGIN positive. CANCER BALANCE with very negative.
CANCER with SCORPIO: few positive. CANCER SAGITTARIUS with positive, but only for friendship.
CANCER CAPRICORN with positive. CANCER AQUARIUS with positive.
CANCER with FISH positive. CANCER WITH CANCER: positive.
The number 17 is the magic number on Cancer. Good luck on 30, while 5 is ideal for studies and research.
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LION with GEMEAUX positive for the work. LION cancer: positive.
LION with VIRGIN: very positive. LION with BALANCE: very positive.
LION with SCORPION: negative. LION with SAGITTARIUS: very positive.
LION with CAPRICORN: negative. LION with AQUARIUS: only physical attraction.
LION with FISH positive, for the work and friendship. With LION LION: few positive.
The number 10 relates to individuals Lion happiness, because it is the other multiple numbers, all <importants>. The 9 is also conducive.


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   VIRGIN with Aries: negative. VIRGIN BULL with very positive.
VIRGIN with GEMEAUX: negative. VIRGIN cancer: positive.
VIRGIN with LION: very positive. VIRGIN with BALANCE: very positive.
VIRGIN with SCORPION: negative. VIRGO SAGITTARIUS with positive, but only sexually.
VIRGIN with CAPRICORNE positive. VIRGIN with VERSEAU: negative.
VIRGIN with FISH: negative. With VIRGIN VIRGIN: negative.
The number 27 is the lucky sign of the Virgin               


With BELIER BALANCE: report negative (agreement only physical).
                          BALANCE with TURUS: positif.BALANCE GEMEAUX with very positive.
BALANCE CANCER: very positive. With LION BALANCE: very positive.
BALANCE VIERGE with very positive. BALANCE with SCORPION: negative.
CAPRICORN with BALANCE: negative. BALANCE with VERSEAU positive.
BALANCE FISH with Negative. With BALANCE BALANCE: few positive.
The number 2 is the lucky people out of balance.

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                                               SCORPION with Aries: only physical attraction.
     SCORPION with BULLS: Sexually positive. SCORPION GEMEAUX with positive, but not sustainable.
                    SCORPION with VIRGIN: negative. CANCER with SCORPIO: few positive.
                     SCORPION with BALANCE: negative. SCORPION with LION: negative.
             SCORPIO CAPRICORN with very positive. SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS with positive.
          SCORPION with AQUARIUS: only physical attraction. SCORPION with FISH positive.
                                         SCORPION SCORPOIN with positive.
   The number 13 is the perfect number that lucky in Scorpio, and is conducive to all its initiatives.

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SAGITTARIUS ARIES with positive. SAGITTARIUS TAURUS with positive.

SAGITTARIUS GEMEAUX with positive, exclusively for work. SAGITTARIUS with LION: very positive.

CANCER SAGITTARIUS with positive, but only in terms of friendship. SAGITTARIUS VIRGO with positive, but seulemnet sexually.




The number of Sagittarius are the 9. The 23 is conducive to innovations.

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     CAPRICORN with BELIER Negative, union unsustainable. CAPRICORN TAURUS with very positive.
              CAPRICORN with GEMEAUX Negative. CAPRICORN with CANCER: negative.
                   CAPRICORN with LION: negative. CAPRICORN with VIRGIN positive.
          CAPRICORN with BALANCE: negative. CAPRICORN SCORPIO with very positive.
 CAPRICORN SAGITTARIUS with positive. CAPRICORN AQUARIUS with positive, exclusively for work.
 CAPRICORN with FISH positive, exclusively for work. CAPRICORN CAPRICORN with: extremely positive.
                             The number 16 is in the absolute sense, the lucky Capricorn.


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          AQUARIUS ARIES with positive. AQUARIUS TAURUS with Negative.
        AQUARIUS GEMEAUX with very positive. AQUARIUS cancer: positive.
AQUARIUS with LION: execlusivement physical attraction. AQUARIUS with VIRGIN: negative.
AQUARIUS with BALANCE: positive. AQUARIUS with SCORPION: only physical attraction.
AQUARIUS SAGITTARIUS with very positive. AQUARIUS CAPRICORN with positive, but only for work.
AQUARIUS with FISH positive. AQUARIUS AQUARIUS with positive.
The numbers 7 and 14 are lucky numbers of Aquarius, and support all its initiatives.


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FISH with Aries: positive relationship, some contrastres. TAURUS with FISH positive. 
FISH with GEMEAUX Negative. CANCER with FISH positive.
With LION FISH positive for the work and friendship. FISH with VIRGIN: negative.
FISH with BALANCE: negative. SCORPION FISH with positive.
FISH with SAGITTARIUS: negative. CAPRICORN with FISH positive, but only for work.
AQUARIUS with FISH positive. FISH with FISH: négatif.Les numbers 2 and 5
figures are in luck.



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